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neah 0.7s
eeeporra 2.2s
demacol 6.0s
bebercair 2.5s
berrante 11.7s
calaviado 2.3s
bom dia 2.5s
bandilixo 3.1s
ketinho 4.4s
tey 1.5s
oootaru 1.0s
uhuu 1.3s
booora 1.2s
muitoviado 16.7s
viiaado 3.0s
sky taunt 14.5s
pobre 1.1s
euduvido 4.1s
derramado 18.3s
momodao 1.7s
500 conto 1.0s
modão 1.7s
vó moda 4.5s
essa fera 3.1s
çafera 3.1s
cetadoido 2.3s
arregou 1.5s
ponteado 4.2s
cade voce 6.0s
oh yah 1.3s
otáru 1.0s
bó rogá 4.1s
go moko 11.8s
ILY Bitch 6.7s
dutch 2.2s
noo 1.4s
xqcrap 38.3s
heygirl 16.5s
wokeup 8.7s
crunchy 4.0s
cheeto 1.7s
mama mia 3.7s